Tips to downsize now to sell your home on the 2021 real estate market

Downsizing takes longer than you think. Going through a lifetime of mementos, paper, belongings, and things you forgot you even had is no small task – it can take 6-12 months if you tackle it yourself and still juggle all the other things you have going on in your life.
So if you want to put your home on the market in early 2021, you should have already started downsizing your belongings. We can help! Learn more about our home sale preparation service in Northern Virginia

Prepare Your Home for Sale Early!
Why does it take so long? You have to make decisions about every single thing, and that is time-consuming and exhausting. Then you have to act on those decisions: trash and recycling into the bins, donations into the car, mementos into storage or out for display, and the items you’re keeping into their designated places.
Start with a Whole House Cleanout
When you have a whole house to tackle, break the project down into pieces, such as going room-by-room. Outsource some of the non-decision tasks. Such as getting a junk hauler to take the trash and broken items, scheduling a charity truck to pick up the donations, working with an estate sale or consignment company if you plan to sell some of your items. Hire a handyman, cleaning company, painter, and landscaper to get the property fresh and sparkling.
Ask how our home sale preparation service in Northern Virginia helps get all of these professionals lined up.
Hire a Professional Organizer
One way to save time and effort is to work with a Professional Organizer. We bring structure and planning skills to help you get through your belongings in a time-efficient manner. You still have to make the decisions (we’re not mind-readers!), but much of the peripheral tasks of determining what to do with things and what to tackle next can be delegated to us.
Breakdown the Tasks
We have found that by working a few times a week for a few hours per day, we can cut that 6-12 month time frame down to 1-2 or 2-3 months, depending on the size of the home and how quickly the client can make decisions. We can also consult and advise virtually, which is particularly helpful for those who want to do most of the work themselves or those who have health concerns and don’t want others in their homes just yet.
Downsize Confidently
Whatever the case, it’s never too soon to start downsizing your belongings. Your transition to an easier lifestyle is right around the corner.
Home Sale Preparation Service Northern Virginia
Working with us is easy and a complimentary phone consultation is the first step to using our home sale preparation service in Northern Virginia. During the call, we’ll schedule a time for you to meet with one of our professional organizers in the privacy of your own home or virtually.
We’ll talk with you about your plans, your timeline, and any special circumstances that you feel need to be addressed. We use a caring, hands-on approach to organizing or decluttering your environment, your relocation, your senior transition, your downsizing, and so much more. Call us at (703) 423-0383