Organizing Help Near Me | More Holiday Tips

With winter decorations already displayed in stores, you might feel like you have 100 things to do before the holidays. Relax – you don’t have to do everything, and you don’t have to do it all at once. Here are some tips to help you get ready for the holidays, little by little.

1. Ask yourself, “Does it really have to happen now?”
If you’re planning some home improvement project, consider postponing it until after the holidays. Get estimates now and book the work for January.
Many contractors are in “get it done” mode for the holidays with other clients – you don’t need that stress if it’s not urgent. You’ll have your pick of days in the new year and can be ready by then.
2. Make gift lists and purchase early.
Stocking stuffers are easy to add to the cart when you’re at the store. And with the uptick in online shopping for almost everything these days, purchasing items now will help you get ahead of the holiday rush, especially with possible delivery delays.
Get some gifts and stash them away for a few weeks, then wrap them sometime after Thanksgiving and you’re ready.
3. Do you send out holiday cards?
Some of the major online card sites are having big sales right now. This is a great way to involve an otherwise-bored teen or family member to help out – have them create 3 drafts and then order the best one.
Order stamps online from the post office, and you’ll be able to mail them in time for the holidays.
Organizing Help Near Me
These are just a few of many organizing tips to help you usher in the holidays without losing it. Stay tuned for more ideas!
We’ll talk with you about your plans, your timeline, and any special circumstances that you feel need to be addressed. We use a caring, hands-on approach to organizing or decluttering your environment, your relocation, your senior transition, your downsizing, and so much more. Call us at (703) 423-0383