How to Get Organized Before the Holidays | Professional Organizer Tips

I am honestly having a hard time believing that October is almost over. The holidays are just around the corner and soon the snow will fall.
Now is the time to think about getting organized for the season: holiday shopping, meals, and gift lists.
The last thing I want to do is spend my time running around like a turkey with my head cut off (ha-ha) trying to get everything done. A little planning and prep go a long way come November and December.

Tips From a Professional Organizer on How to Get Started
So, start to think about the holidays now and plan little by little. Some quick organizing tips:
- The next time you’re at the grocery store, walk down the baking aisle and pick up the baking items you need for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
- Grab a large, empty basket and put it in the corner of your closet. When you see wrapping paper/tape/ribbon in the stores, buy some and throw them in the basket. Do this a few times, and when your basket is full, you’re ready to giftwrap for the holidays.
- Holiday-scented candles are now available – buy some and put them away until you need them.
- Having family in-town for Thanksgiving? Shop now online or in-person for whatever you need to host them, from bedding to food.
Make Getting Organized Easy
You don’t need to do this all at once! Just pick something up each time you’re shopping, and by the time the holidays are here, you’re ready!
Slow and steady marks the course. No need to rush, just pick a few things up as you go….

Get Organized Before the Holidays
Working with us is easy. A phone consultation is the first step to using our professional organizing service in Northern Virginia. During the call, we’ll schedule a time for you to meet with one of our professional organizers virtually or in the privacy of your own home.
We’ll talk with you about your plans, your timeline, and any special circumstances that you feel need to be addressed. We use a caring, hands-on approach to organizing or decluttering your environment, your relocation, your senior transition, your downsizing, and so much more. Call us at (703) 423-0383