Happy New Year! With a New Year Often Come Resolutions to Declutter & Organize

Happy New Year! With a new year often comes new resolutions. If you’re thinking of Getting Organized this year, you’re in the right place and we’re happy to help you!

Make a Resolution to Get Organized

Whether you need the softer touch of pointers and accountability, or more committed side-by-side assistance, we will work with you to plan your project, tweak processes, determine what to keep and what to release, and help you make your home the sanctuary you desire.

How to Get Started Organizing Your Home

For example, perhaps there’s an area in your home that drives you bonkers. It’s where you toss the jeans that don’t fit or the gift you recently received or the stuff on the dining room table that needs to disappear when company’s coming over. The area is brimming with stuff of all kinds, there’s not enough storage in the room, and you also want to reclaim the area as a guest room, a children’s playroom, or home office. Let’s tackle that together.

Start Small

First, block off 1 hour to plan and start your project. You’re going to go through the room methodically, evaluating everything there. You should sort into at least 4 categories: keep, donate, trash*, and “goes elsewhere.” Gather boxes and bags to help you corral the stuff accordingly.

Tips to Declutter and Get Organized in the New Year

Keep – these things stay in this space after you’re done. Everything will need a place. If you have too much of something, you need to pick your favorites and donate the rest.

Donate – only if it’s good enough that someone will purchase it in a thrift shop. If it’s stained, torn, missing something, recognize it’s trash/recyclable and not good enough to donate.

Trash – you can separate into trash/recyclables, but don’t overthink this.

Goes Elsewhere – these things belong in other places in the house. Return these items to their rightful spots.

Set a timer. At 1 hour, evaluate your progress, put the Goes Elsewhere stuff away, and tidy up until the next time you can devote some time to your organizing project. You’re off to a great start!

Professional Organizers to Get Your Started Right

If you want some more focused assistance with your organizing project, send us a message and we can explore how we can be of help!

Here’s to you and the many things you’ll accomplish in 2019!